
Marisha is an apprentice level Wizard. She draws most of her power from her cat familiar, but strives to use this energy only for squashing code bugs and crushing algorithm problems. When not fighting against programming enemies, you can find Marisha outdoors, painting, or playing with her familiar.


Renee is a software engineer apprentice just trying to get everything she can from life. All she really wants to do is hang out with her tiny monster dog and binge watch tv shows while coding.


Chris is the hero that we do not deserve, but also the one that we do not really need… His prowess at crushing words is outstripped only by his uncanny ability to know just what to say in any conversation only a mere ten minutes after they have happened. He is also fond of…


Sapana just wants to fly to the land of coding, play inside the loop, swing by the function, and spend some times with new angles inside objects. Then she wants to come back to her real world and spend more time with her little angel SERENA!!! She loves nature......